Doobygrün Utilities: “Abrigo-arrullo”

Doobygrün Utilities: “Abrigo-arrullo”

doobygrün mantita-arrulloToday we want to show how to use doobygrün as a coat (manta-arrullo).
As mothers when our babies have few months, know that at certain times we have to leave home quickly and for a short time.
This means we have to dress our baby and keep him warm, the time involved, so making quick exits from home we pose a problem.

Doobygrün born with the aim to make easier the task of parenting. It is very easy and convenient to use; External fixtures are not necessary, we just have our pledge and use it as every time we come well.
When our baby is the second, and we can not spend all the time because we have his brother who needs us. As the eldest son out at school, for example, We're supposed to go out with the two, and considering it's very early and we'll always running, because children have their rhythm, the truth is that dress the baby means extra time for us as parents, we do not have. As always we “if I could catch him with a blanket and take him would be great”. But then with a blanket ends up desarropado because as soon as you move the mat is no longer keeps its position. Also if our baby is a bit bumpy, no blanket to hold.

Now, let's explicaros using doobygrün coat as a lullaby to leave home:

With your doobygrün in its original form (Blanket), internal tape strips until you have the size of your baby, then save the excess tape in your pocket having the garment for this use.

You put your baby up and abrochas with brackets, (having the garment), lullaby to close, you put the top on the baby's head so that it fits the face uncovered and, and is, you can go with your baby abrigadito.


Maybe we can raise the need to put our baby in the car seat or stroller and we can believe that we have to get our baby doobygrün, since no, because it has a system of openings in the bottom that allows us to remove the lower seat harnesses, pass between the baby's legs and out through one of the holes in the brackets, closing the baby, so as to fasten the upper seat harnesses.

As we doobygrün also solves the problem out quickly and soon with our baby in the car or stroller.


We may doubt arises: “How to put the doobygrün It is well sheltered?”. Well for that we have different models doobygrün:

1 For the summer, only the basic canvas.

2 For spring and autumn, the base fabric with an inner hair.

3 For the winter, He tela base (winter), Inside Hair and besides a waterproof inner membrane thereby protecting our baby from the cold, water and wind.

For all this, yes, with doobygrün our baby is always warm.

For the easier tengais, we leave a video demonstration of how to use your doobygun.

First we show the conveyor system, simple and convenient.

Second we show how comfortable it is to use.

And third, we show how to use warm-blanket.


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doobygrün ideal

doobygrün ideal.

Doobygrün is the ideal complement to your baby needs,
combining all the functions that reach your imagination
in a single garment since your son is a sweet drink
until child is an overflowing power. With its
clever and simple system of internal tapes, to
allow mold to any shape and need depending
Doobygrün also has a few exterior openings and
interiors that allow you to use safety harnesses
chair or any carrier without desarroparlo,
preventing at all times that your child has cold.
Finally there is a supplement that all moms needed
to house the baby su.

Doobygrün is already a reality


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